参加海湾合作委员会的学生团体是探索校园的好方法, 认识新朋友, 发现新的兴趣, 更多地了解你自己和你周围的世界.
A Student Group is defined as a 学生会协会 (SGA) recognized group of students at Genesee 社区学院 that collaborate to celebrate a common interest as well as ad在这里 to all requirements as outlined but the SGA. All 学生团体 should be committed to upholding the mission of GCC by recognizing 和 valuing our common humanity as well as the richness of our diversity.
利益集团 – A group of students that is working with the SEI Office to fulfill all requirements of seeking recognition by the 学生会协会.
俱乐部– Student Group that has been officially chartered 和 recognized by the 学生会协会 和 abides by all of the requirements of such a group.
学生组织 – A student operated entity of an office or division of GCC that performs a function of said area 和 exists only if the office or division exists (i.e. 校园活动板、论坛玩家). 学生组织是根据这样一个群体的要求来资助和运作的.
荣誉学会 – A grouping of students by local or national affiliation that requires a minimum GPA for membership 和/or enrollment in a specific curricula (i.e. Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Delta Nu护理荣誉协会.
- 请填写 新学生团体兴趣. 作为表格的一部分,您将被要求提交一份扶轮社章程. 可以找到一个样本 在这里.
- 一旦你提交了表单, the Director of SEI will review your application 和 submit to SGA (only if documents are ready to be reviewed by SGA).
- 学生会协会将开会投票决定是否认可你们的新团体
Please note that new student groups must be unique 和 should not serve a similar purpose to groups already in existence.